Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Words Which Could Break A Heart

I'm Sorry -Discúlpame
I Apologize - Lo Siento
It was my fault - Fue Mi Error
You Are Right - Tienes Razón

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you -Lo Siento Pero No Te Amo

He’s/she's dead - Ha Muerto...
I’m pregnant!! - estoy embarazada!
I met somebody else - conocí alguien mas

We are too different - nosotros somos muy diferentes

You are not the guy i felt in love with - tu no eres el muchacho/a Del cual me enamore

I don’t want you any more - no te quiero mas
You are too jealous - eres muy celoso /a
You don’t trust me - no crees en mi

I cannot trust you (any more) no te puedo creer (nunca mas)

You are a womanizer - eres un mujeriego
I was cheating on you - te estuve engañando

I am pregnant from someone else estoy embarazada por alguien mas

Are you cheating on me? - Me estas engañando ?

I don’t want to marry you - no me quiero casar contigo

I want to break up with you - quiero terminar contigo

I’m with you for a firts bet - Estoy contigo por 1 apuesta

You are to ugly - eres feo/a
I don’t like you - no me gustas
I hate you - te odio
You are fat - eres gordo/a 
your really thin – eres realmente flaco/a 
You are stupid - eres estupido/a

You are too old for me - tu eres muy mayor/grande para mi

I’m not attractive to you - No me atraes en lo mas mínimo 

You are not sexy enough - no eres muy sensual
You are not hot enough - no eres guapo/a 
You are a geek/ a freak - eres tonto/ un freak

You don’t have enough sexual experience - no tienes experiencia sexual

You had too many girls/boys in your bed -Te has acostado con muchos chicos/as?

I'm Sorry -Jag är ledsen
I Apologize - Jag ber om ursäkt
It was my fault - Det var mitt fel
You Are Right - Du har rätt

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you -Jag är ledsen, men, jag älskar inte dig

He’s/she's dead -Han/Hon är död
I’m pregnant!! - Jag är gravid
I met somebody else - Jag har träffat någon annan

We are too different - Vi är för olika

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Du är inte den killen jag blev förälskad i
I don’t want you any more - Jag vill inte ha dig längre
You are too jealous - Du är för avundsjuk
You don’t trust me - Du litar inte på mig

I cannot trust you (any more) Jag kan inte lita på dig(längre)

You are a womanizer - Du är en kvinnokarl
I was cheating on you - Jag har vart otrogen mot dig
I am pregnant from(with?) someone else - Jag är gravid med någon annan 
Are you cheating on me? - Är du otrogen mot mig ? 

I don’t want to marry you - Jag vill inte gifta mig med dig
I want to break up with you - Jag vill göra slut med dig

You are to ugly - Du är för ful
I don’t like you - Jag gillar inte dig
I hate you - jag hatar dig
You are fat - du är fet 
your really thin – du är väldigt smal
You are stupid - du är dum

You are too old for me - Du är för gammal för mig

I’m not attractive to you - Jag är inte attraherad av dig 

You are not sexy enough -Du är inte sexig nog
You are not hot enough -du är inte het nog
You are a geek/ a freak - du är en nörd/ ett missfoster

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Du har inte nog med sexuell erfarenhet

You had too many girls/boys in your bed -Du har har haft för många tjejer/killar i din säng

I'm Sorry -извини - izvini
I Apologize - извиняюсь - izviniaus
It was my fault - это я виноват (виновата) eto ja vinovat (vinovata)
You Are Right - ты прав (права) - ti prav (prava)

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you -мне очень жаль, но я тебя не люблю mnie ochen zal no ja tebia ne lublu

He’s/she's dead -он умер (она умерла) on umer (ona umerla)
I’m pregnant!! - я залетела! ja zaletela!
I met somebody else - я полюбил другую (я полюбила другого) ja polubil druguu (ja polubila drugogo)

We are too different - мы слишком разные - mi slishkom raznie

You are not the guy i felt in love with - ты не тот в кого я влюбилась ti ne tot v kogo ja vlubilas
I don’t want you any more - я тебя больше не хочу ja bolshe tebia ne hochu
You are too jealous - ты очень ревнивый (ты очень ревнивая) ti ochen revnivii (revnivaya)
You don’t trust me - ты мне не доверяешь - ti mnie ne doveryaesh

I cannot trust you (any more) я больше тебе не верю - ja bolshe tebe ne veru

You are a womanizer - тебе нужны только тёлки! (very rude!!!!!) tebe nuzni tolko telki!
I was cheating on you - я просто тебя разыграл ja prosto tebia razigral

I am pregnant from(with?) someone else - я беременна, но не от тебя - ja beremenna, no ne ot tebya

Are you cheating on me? - ты меня разыгрываешь? ti menya razigrivaesh?

I don’t want to marry you - я не хочу жениться на тебе (я не хочу за тебя замуж) ja ne hochu zenitsa na tebe (ja ne hochu za tebia zamuz)

I want to break up with you - я хочу порвать с тобой ja hochu porvat s toboi

I’m with you for a firts bet - 

You are too ugly - ты некрасивый (некрасивая) ti nekrasivii (nekrasivaya)
I don’t like you - ты мне не нравишься - ti mnie ne nravishsa
I hate you - ненавижу тебя! - nenavizu tebya!
You are fat - ты толстый (толстая) - ti tolstii (tolstaya)
your really thin – ты очень худой (худая) - ti ochen hudoi (hudaya)

really rude to a girl!!!!!! - доска два соска -doska dva soska (flat tits with nipples)

You are stupid - ты глупый (глупая) ti glupii (glupaya)

You are too old for me - ты слишком взрослый для меня (ты слишком взрослая для меня) yi slishkom vzroslii dlya menya (ti slishkom vzroslaya dlya menya)

I’m not attractive to you - я для тебя не привлекательный (я для тебя не привлекательная) 
ja dlya tebya ne privlekatelnui (ja dlya tebya ne privlekatelnaya)
You are not sexy enough -ты не секси ti ne seksi
You are not hot enough -as above
You are a geek/ a freak - ты псих ti psih

You don’t have enough sexual experience - ты ничего не понимаешь в сексе ti nichego ne ponimaesh v sekse

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - бабник! (шлюха!) babnik (shluha) - very rude!!!!

GreeK Language
I'm Sorry - λυπαμαι (lipáme)
I Apologize - σου ζητω συγνωμη (su zitó signómi)
It was my fault - το λαθος ειναι δικο μου (to láthos íne dikó mu)
You Are Right - εχεις δικιο (éhis díkio)

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - συγνωμη, αλλα δεν σε αγαπω (signómi alá den se agapó)
He’s/she's dead - πεθανε (péthane)
I’m pregnant!! - ειμαι εγκυος (íme éngios)
I met somebody else: 
- for girls: γνωρισα καποιον αλλον (gnórisa kápion álon)
- for boys: γνωρισα καποια αλλη (gnórisa kápia áli)
We are too different - ειμαστε πολυ διαφορετικοι (ímaste polí diaforetikí)
You are not the guy i felt in love with - δεν εισαι ο αντρας που αγαπησα (den íse o ándras pu agápisa)
I don’t want you any more - δεν σε θελω αλλο (den se thélo pia)
You are too jealous - εισαι πολυ ζηλιαρης (m)\ ζηλιαρα (f) [íse poli ziliáris (m) /ziliára (f)]

You don’t trust me - δεν με εμπιστευσαι(den me embistévese)
I cannot trust you (any more) - δεν σε εμπιστευομαι αλλο (den se embistévome álo)
You are a womanizer - εισαι γκομενιαρης (íse gomeniáris)
I was cheating on you - σε απατησα (se apátisa)
I am pregnant from someone else - ειμαι εγκυος απο καποιον αλλον (íme éngios apo kápion álon)
Are you cheating on me? - με απατας? (me apatás?)
I don’t want to marry you - δεν θελω να σε παντρευτω (den thélo na se pandreftó)
I want to break up with you - θελω να τα χαλασουμε (thélo na ta halásume)
I’m with you for a firts bet - τα εφτιαξα μαζι σου για ενα στοιχημα (ta éftiaksa mazí su gia éna stíhima)
You are to ugly - εισαι ασχημος (m)\ ασχημη (f) 
[íse ashimos (m)/ íse ashimi (f)]

I don’t like you - δεν μου αρεσεις (den mu arésis)
I hate you - σε μισω (se misó)
You are fat - εισαι χοντρος(m) \ χοντρη (f) 
[íse hontros (m)/ íse hontrí (f)]
you´re really thin – εισαι πραγματικα αδυνατος (m)\ αδυνατη (f) 
[íse pragmatiká adínatos (m)/ adínati (f)]
You are stupid - εισαι χαζος (m)\ χαζη (f) [íse hazós (m)/ íse hazí (f)]

You are too old for me - εισαι πολυ ηλικιομενος (m) \ ηλικιομενη (f) για μενα (íse polí ilikioménos (m)/ilikioméni (f) gia ména)

I’m not attractive to you - δεν ειμαι ελκυστικος (m) \ ελκυστικη (f) 
(den íme elkistikós (m)/ elkistikí (f) gia sena)
You are not sexy enough - δεν εισαι αρκετα σεξυ (den arketá sexi)
You are not hot enough - δεν εισαι αρκετα καυτος (m) \ καυτη (f)
[den íse arketá kaftós (m)/ kaftí (f)]
You are a geek/ a freak - εισαι φλωρος \ εισαι φρικιο (íse flóros /íse frikió)
You don’t have enough sexual experience - δεν εχεις αρκετη σεξουλικη εμπειρια (den ehis arketi sexualikí embiría)
You had too many girls/boys in your bed - ειχες πολλες κοπελες \ πολλους αντρες στο κρεβατι σου (íhes polés kopéles /polús ándres sto kreváti su)

I'm Sorry - Es tut mir Leid.
I Apologize - Ich bedauer es.
It was my fault - Es war mein Fehler.
You Are Right - Bist du in Ordnung?

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Tut mir Leid, aber ich liebe dich nciht

He’s/she's dead - Er/ Sie ist tot 
I’m pregnant!! - Ich bin schwanger!!
I met somebody else - Ich habe jemand anders getroffen

We are too different - Wir sind zu unterschiedlich

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Du bist nicht der, in den ich mich verliebt habe.

I don’t want you any more - Ich will dich nicht mehr.
You are too jealous - Du bist zu eifersüchtig.
You don’t trust me - Du vertraust mir nicht.

I cannot trust you (any more) Ich kann dich nicht (mehr) vertrauen

You are a womanizer - Du bist ein Weiberheld
I was cheating on you - Ich habe dich betrogen.

I am pregnant from someone else - Ich bin von jemand anderem Schwanger

Are you cheating on me? - Hast du mich betrogen?

I don’t want to marry you - Ich will dich nicht heiraten

I want to break up with you - Ich möchte mit dir Schluss machen

You are to ugly - Du bist zu hässlich
I don’t like you - Ich mag dich nicht
I hate you - Ich hasse dich
You are fat - Du bist fett.
your really thin – Du bist wirklich/sehr dünn
You are stupid - Du bist dumm

You are too old for me - Du bist zu alt für mich

I’m not attractive to you - Ich bin nicht attraktiv genug für dich. 

You are not sexy enough - Du bist nicht sexy genug
You are not hot enough - Du bist nicht heiß genug
You are a geek/ a freak - Du bist ein Freak

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Du hast zuwenig sexuelle Erfahrung

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Du warst mit zuvielen Mädchen/Jungs im Bett.
I'm Sorry – Îmi pare rău
I Apologize – Îmi cer scuze 
It was my fault – A fost vina mea
You Are Right – Ai dreptate

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – Îmi pare rău dar nu te mai iubesc

He’s/she's dead – Este mort/moartă 
I’m pregnant!! – Sunt însărcinată!!
I met somebody else – Am cunoscut pe altcineva

We are too different – Suntem prea difetiţi

You are not the guy i felt in love with – Tu nu eşti băiatul de care m-am îndrăgostit

I don’t want you any more – Nu te mai vreau
You are too jealous – Eţti prea gelos/geloasă
You don’t trust me – Nu ai încredere în mine

I cannot trust you (any more) – Nu mai pot avea încredere în tine

You are a womanizer – Eşti un afemeiat
I was cheating on you – Te-am înşelat

I am pregnant from someone else – Sunt însărcinată cu altcineva

Are you cheating on me? – Mă inşeli?

I don’t want to marry you – Nu vreau să mă însor/mărit cu tine

I want to break up with you – Vreau să mă despart de tine

I’m with you for a firts bet – Sunt cu tine din cauza unui pariu

You are to ugly – Eşti prea urât/urâtă
I don’t like you – Nu îmi place de tine
I hate you – Te urăsc
You are fat – Eşti gras/grasă
your really thin – Eşti foarte slab/slabă
You are stupid – Eşti prost/proastă

You are too old for me – Eşti prea bătrân/bătrână pentru mine 

You’re not attractive to me – Nu mă atragi

You are not sexy enough – Nu eşti destul de sexi
You are not hot enough – Nu eşti destul de fierbinte
You are a geek/ a freak – Eşti ciudat/ciudată

You don’t have enough sexual experience – Nu ai destulă experienţă sexuală

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – Au trecut prea multe fete/mulţi băieţi prin patul tău

I'm Sorry - maafkan aku
I Apologize - aku minta maaf
It was my fault - itu kesalahanku
You Are Right - kamu benar

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - maaf, tapi aku tidak mencintaimu

He’s/she's dead - dia meninggal
I’m pregnant!! - aku hamil
I met somebody else-- aku bertemu orang lain

We are too different - kita sangat jauh berbeda

You are not the guy i felt in love with - kamu bukan pria yang aku cintai

I don’t want you any more - aku tidak menginginkanmu lagi
You are too jealous - kamu terlalu pencemburu
You don’t trust me - kamu jangan percaya aku

I cannot trust you (any more) = aku tidak dapat mempercayaimu lagi

You are a womanizer - kau arjuna (i dont really understand this words)

I was cheating on you - aku telah menipumu

I am pregnant from someone else - aku hamil dari orang lain

Are you cheating on me? - apa kamu menipu ku?

I don’t want to marry you - tidak ingin menikahimu

I want to break up with you - aku ingin putus denganmu

I’m with you for a firts bet - aku bersamamu untuk sebuah taruhan pertama

You are to ugly - kamu aneh
I don’t like you - aku tidak menyukaimu
I hate you - aku benci padamu
You are fat - kamu gendut
your really thin – kamu sangat kurus
You are stupid - kamu bodoh

You are too old for me - kamu terlalu tua untukku

I’m not attractive to you - aku tidak menarik untuk mu

You are not sexy enough - kamu tidak cukup seksi
You are not hot enough - kamu tidak cukup panas (menggairahkan)
You are a geek/ a freak - kamu sinting

You don’t have enough sexual experience - kamu tidak punya cukup pengalaman seksual

You had too many girls/boys in your bed = kamu mempunyai terlalu banyak perempuan/lelaki di kasurmu (it's taboo to said in Indonesian)

I'm Sorry - naomba msamaha
I Apologize - Naomba radhi
It was my fault - ilikuwa makosa yako
You Are Right - uko sahihi

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - pole lakini sikupendi

He’s/she's dead - Amekufa / amefariki
I’m pregnant!! - ninamimba
I met somebody else - nimepata mwingine

We are too different - tuna tofauti nyingi

You are not the guy i felt in love with - wewe si kijana niliyependa

I don’t want you any more - Sikutaki tena
You are too jealous - una wivu mwingi
You don’t trust me - huniamini

I cannot trust you (any more) - siwezi kukuamini tena

I was cheating on you - nilikuwa nakundanganya

I am pregnant from someone else - nina mimba na mtu mwingine

Are you cheating on me? - unanindanganya?

I don’t want to marry you - sitaki kukuoa

I want to break up with you - nataka kuachana na wewe

You are to ugly - wewe ni sura mbaya
I don’t like you - sikupendi
I hate you - nakuchukia
You are fat - wewe ni mnono
your really thin – wewe ni mwembamba
You are stupid - wewe ni mjinga

You are too old for me - wewe ni mzee sana kwangu

I’m not attractive to you -sikupendezi

You don’t have enough sexual experience - huna ujuzi wakutosha

You had too many girls in your bed/ - ulikuwa na wasichana wengi kitandani mwako

You had too many boys in your bed - ulikuwa na wavulana wengi kitandani mwako

I'm Sorry - Žao mi je
I Apologize - Ispričavam se
It was my fault - Ja sam kriva/kriv
You Are Right - Imaš pravo

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Oprosti, ali, ne volim te

He’s/she's dead - On je mrtav/Ona je mrtva
I’m pregnant!! - Trudna sam
I met somebody else - Upoznao/Upoznala sam nekog drugog

We are too different - Mi smo previše različiti

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Ti nisi onaj čovjek u kojeg sam se zaljubila

I don’t want you any more - Ne želim te više
You are too jealous - Ti si previše ljubomoran/ljubomorna
You don’t trust me - Ti mi nevjeruješ

I cannot trust you (any more) - Više ti ne mogu vjerovati

You are a womanizer - Jesi li ženskar
I was cheating on you - Varao/Varala sam te

I am pregnant from someone else - Trudna sam ali s nekim drugim

Are you cheating on me? - Da li me varaš?

I don’t want to marry you - Ne želim se udati za tebe

I want to break up with you - Želim prekinuti s tobom

You are to ugly - Previše si ružan/ružna
I don’t like you - Ne sviđaš mi se
I hate you - Mrzim te
You are fat - Debeo/Debela si
your really thin – Vrlo si mršav/mršava
You are stupid - Glup si/Glupa si

You are too old for me - Prestar/Prestara si za mene

I’m not attractive to you - Ne privlačiš me

You are not sexy enough - Nisi dovoljno seksi
You are not hot enough - Nisi dovoljno vatren/vatrena
You are a geek/ a freak - Ti si štreber/štreberica, frik

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Ti nemaš dovoljno seksualnog iskustva

You had too many boys in your bed - Imala si previše dečkiju u krevetu

You had too many girls in your bed - Imao si previše cura u krevetu

I'm Sorry - es tuet mir leid
I Apologize - ich entschuldige mich
It was my fault - es isch min Fähler gsi / es isch mini Schuld
You Are Right - du häsch recht

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - es tuet mir leid, ich liebe dich nöd

He’s/she's dead - er / sie isch tot
I’m pregnant!! - ich bin schwanger
I met somebody else - ich han öper andersch kenneglernt

We are too different - mir sind zu verschide

You are not the guy i felt in love with - du bisch nöd de Maa, wo ich liebe

I don’t want you any more - ich will dich nüme
You are too jealous - du bisch z'iiversüchtig
You don’t trust me - du vertrausch mir nöd

I cannot trust you (any more) - ich chan dir nüm (not any more) vertraue / ich cha dir nöd (not) vertraue

You are a womanizer - du bisch en Fraueheld
I was cheating on you - ich ha dich betroge

I am pregnant from someone else - ich bin vomene andere schwanger

Are you cheating on me? - betrügsch du mich?

I don’t want to marry you - ich will dich nöd hürate

I want to break up with you - ich will mir dir schluss mache

You are to ugly - du bisch z hässlich
I don’t like you - ich ha dich nöd gern
I hate you - ich hasse dich
You are fat - du bisch fett
your really thin – du bisch uh dünn
You are stupid - du bisch dumm

You are too old for me - du bisch z'alt für mich

I’m not attracted by you - ich find dich nöd attraktiv / du machsch mich nöd a

You are not sexy enough - du bisch nöd gnueg sexy
You are not hot enough - du bisch nöd gnueg heiss
You are a geek/ a freak - du bisch en Freak

You don’t have enough sexual experience - du häsch nöd gnueg sexuelli Erfahrig

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - du bisch mit z'vil Fraue / Männer im Bett gsi
I'm Sorry –
Gomen nasai 

I Apologize – 

It was my fault – 
Watasino sekinin desita 

You Are Right – 
Anataha tadasii 

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you –
Gomen nasai, demo watasiha anatawo aisiteinai

He’s/she's dead – 
Kare ha/Kanojyo ha Sinda 

I’m pregnant!! – 
Watasi ha ninsin siteiru 

I met somebody else – 
Watasi ha aru hito ni atta

We are too different – 
Watasi tachi ha zenzen(mattaku) chigau

You are not the guy i felt in love with –
Anataha watasiga koi wo sita hito deha nai

I don’t want you any more –
Watasiha kopreijyo anatatoha yatteikenai

You are too jealous – 
Anataha sitto bukai.

You don’t trust me – 
Anataha watasiwo sinnjiteinai

I cannot trust you (any more)-
Watasiha anatawo(kore ijyo) sinjirukotogadekinai

You are a womanizer – 
Anataha jyoseini darasiga nai

I was cheating on you – 
Watasiha anatawo damasita

I am pregnant from someone else –
Watasiha darekano kodomowo ninsin siteiru

Are you cheating on me? –
Anataha watasiwo damasiteiru no?

I don’t want to marry you -
Watasiha anatatoha kekkon sitakunai.

I want to break up with you – 
Watasiha anatato wakaretai

I’m with you for a firts bet –
Watasiha anatani kaketeimasu

You are to ugly – 
Anataha minikui 

I don’t like you – 
Anataga sukidehanai 

I hate you – 
Anataga kirai 

You are fat – 
Anataha futotteiru 

your really thin – 
Anataha totemo yaseteiru 

You are stupid – 
Anataha bakageteiru 

You are too old for me – 
Anataha watasiyorimo fuketeiru

I’m not attractive to you – 
Watasiha anatanitotte miryokuteki dehanai

You are not sexy enough – 
Anataha sexy dehanai

You are not hot enough – 
Anataha jyounetuteki dehanai

You are a geek/ a freak – 
Anataha henjin/kijin desu

You don’t have enough sexual experience –
Watasiha sei-taiken ga nai

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – 
Anataha takusan no onnanoko tachi/otokonoko tachi to
Bed wo tomonisiteita

I'm sorry --> Ho sento
I apologize --> Em disculpo
It was my fault --> Va ser culpa meva
You are right --> Tens raó
Sorry, but I don't love you --> Ho sento, però no t'estimo
He's/she's dead --> Ell / ella és mort/a
I'm pregnant --> Estic embarassada.
I met somebody else --> He conegut algú altre...
We are too different --> Som massa diferents.
Your are not the guy I felt in love with --> Tu no ets la persona de qui em vaig enamorar.
I don't want you anymore --> Ja no t'estimo.
You are too jealous --> Ets massa gelós!
You don't trust me --> No confies en mi
I cannot trust you (anymore) --> (Ja) no puc confiar en tu
You are a womanizer --> Ets un faldiller
I was cheating on you --> T'estava enganyant
I?m pregnant from someone else --> Estic embarassada d'un altre
Are you cheating on me? --> M'estàs enganyant?
I don't want to marry you --> No em vull casar amb tu
I want to break up with you --> Vull trencar amb tu
I'm with you for a firts bet --> Estic amb tu per una aposta
You are too ugly --> Ets espantós
I don't like you --> No m'agrades
I hate you --> T'odio
You are fat --> Estàs gras
You are really thin --> Ets molt prim
You are stupid --> Ets stupid
You are too old for me --> Ets massa vell per a mi
I'm not attractive to you --> No sóc atractiu/va per a tu
You are not sexy enough --> No ets suficientment sexy
You are not hot enough --> No ets suficientment calenta
You are a geek --> Ets un friki
You don't have enough sexual experience --> No tens prou experiencia sexual
You had too many girls/boys in your bed --> Van passar massa nois/noies pel teu llit
I'm Sorry - Piedod
I Apologize - Es atvainojos
It was my fault - Tā bija mana vaina
You Are Right - Tev ir taisnība

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Piedot, bet es tevi nemīlu

He’s/she's dead - Viņš/Viņa ir miris/mirusi
I’m pregnant!! - Es esmu stāvoklī 
I met somebody else - Es satiku kādu citu

We are too different - Mēs esam pārāk atšķirīgi

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Tu neesi puisis kuru es iemīlēju

I don’t want you any more - Es tevi vairs nevēlos
You are too jealous - Tu esi pārāk greizsirdīgs
You don’t trust me - Tu man neuzticies

I cannot trust you (any more) - Es (vairs) tev nespēju uzticēties

You are a womanizer - Tu esi meitu mednieks
I was cheating on you - Es tevi krāpu

I am pregnant from someone else - Es esmu stāvoklī no kāda cita

Are you cheating on me? - Vai tu mani krāp?

I don’t want to marry you - Es nevēlos ar tevi precēties

I want to break up with you - Es gribu šķirties no tevis

You are too ugly - Tu esi pārāk neglīts
I don’t like you - Tu man nepatīc
I hate you - Es tevi ienīstu
You are fat - Tu esi resns
your really thin – Tu esi tiešām tievs
You are stupid - Tu esi stulbs

You are too old for me - Tu esi pārāk vecs priekš manis

I’m not attractive to you - Tu man neesi pievilcīgs

You are not sexy enough - Tu neesi pietiekami seksīgs
You are not hot enough - Tu neesi pietiekami iekārojams
You are a geek/ a freak - Tu esi dīvainis

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Tev nav pietiekama seksuālā pieredze

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Pārāk daudz meitenes/puiši ir bijušas/bijuši tavā gultā

I'm Sorry - ПРОБАЧ - probach
I Apologize - ВИБАЧ МЕНІ - vybach meni
It was my fault - ЦЕ БУЛА МОЯ ПОМИЛКА - ce bula moia pomylka
You Are Right - ТИ ПРАВИЙ (ПРАВА) - ty pravyi(guy is right) / prava

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - ВИБАЧ, АЛЕ Я НЕ КОХАЮ ТЕБЕ - vybach, ale ia ne kohaiu tebe

He’s/she's dead - ВІН МЕРТВИЙ / ВОНА МЕРТВА - vin mertvyi (guy is dead) / vona mertva
I’m pregnant!! - Я ВАГІТНА - ia vagitna
I met somebody else - Я ЗУСТРІВ ІНШУ / Я ЗУСТРІЛА ІНШОГО - ia zustriv inshu (when guy met another goirl) / ia zustrila inshogo

We are too different - МИ НАДТО РІЗНІ - my nadto rizni

You are not the guy i felt in love with - ТИ ВЖЕ НЕ ТОЙ ХЛОПЕЦЬ У ЯКОГО Я ЗАКОХАЛАСЬ - ty vzhe ne toi hlopec u iakogo ia zakohalas

I don’t want you any more - Я БІЛЬШЕ НЕ ХОЧУ ТЕБЕ - ia bilshe ne hochu tebe
You are too jealous - ТИ НАДТО РЕВНИВИЙ / РЕВНИВА - ty nadto revnyvyi (when guy is too jealous) / revnyva
You don’t trust me - ТИ НЕ ДОВІРЯЄШ МЕНІ - ty ne doviriaesh meni

I cannot trust you (any more) - Я БІЛЬШЕ НЕ МОЖУ ТОБІ ВІРИТИ - ia bilshe ne mozhu tobi viryty

You are a womanizer - ТИ КОБЕЛЬ ! - ty kobel !
I was cheating on you - Я ЗРАДЖУВАВ ТОБІ / Я ЗРАДЖУВАЛА ТОБІ - ia zradzhuvav tobi (when guy cheated on a girl) / ia zradzhuvala tobi

I am pregnant from someone else - Я ВАГІТНА ВІД ІНШОГО - ia vagitna vid inshogo

Are you cheating on me? - ТИ МЕНІ ЗРАДЖУЄШ ? - ty meni zradzhuesh?

I don’t want to marry you - Я НЕ ХОЧУ НА ТОБІ ОДРУДЖУВАТИСЬ / Я НЕ ХОЧУ ВИХОДИТИ ЗАМІЖ ЗА ТЕБЕ - ia ne hochu na tobi odruzhuvatys ( when guy doesnt wanna marry) / ia ne hochu vyhodyty za tebe zamizh

I want to break up with you - Я ХОЧУ РОЗЛУЧИТИСЯ / РОЗІРВАТИ СТОСУНКИ - ia hochu rozluchytysia ( divorce)/ rozirvaty stosunky

You are to ugly - ТИ ПОТВОРА - tu potvora
I don’t like you - ТИ МЕНІ НЕ ПОДОБАЄШСЯ - ty meni ne podobaeshsia
I hate you - Я НЕНАВИДЖУ ТЕБЕ - ia nenavydzhu tebe
You are fat - ТИ ТОВСТИЙ / ТОВСТА - ty tovstyi ( when guy is fat)/ tovsta
your really thin – ТИ НАДТО ХУДИЙ / ХУДА - ty nadto hudyi ( when guy is too thin)/ huda
You are stupid - ДОВБЕНЬ - dovben

You are too old for me - ТИ ЗАСТАРИЙ ДЛЯ МЕНЕ / ТИ ЗАСТАРА ДЛЯ МЕНЕ - ty zastaryi dlia mene( when guy is too old for a girl)/ ty zastara dlia mene

I’m not attractive to you - Я ТОБІ ЗОВСІМ НЕ ПОДОБАЮСЬ - ia tobi zovsim ne podobaius

You are not sexy enough - ТИ НЕДОСТАТНЬО СЕКСУАЛЬНИЙ / СЕКСУАЛЬНА - ty nedostatno seksualnyi(when guy is not sexy enough)/seksualna

You don’t have enough sexual experience - В ТЕБЕ НЕДОСТАТНІЙ СЕКСУАЛЬНИЙ ДОСВІД - v tebe nedostatnii seksualnyi dosvid

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - В ТВОЄМУ ЛІЖКУ ПОБУВАЛО НАДТО БАГАТО ДІВЧАТ / ХЛОПЦІВ - v tvoemu lizhku pobuvalo nadto bagato divchat(girls)/hlopciv(boys)
I'm Sorry - Jeg er ked af det
I Apologize - Jeg undskylder
It was my fault - Det var min skyld
You Are Right - Du har ret
Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Undskyld, men, jeg elsker dig ikke.

He’s/she's dead - Ham/hende er død
I’m pregnant!! - Jeg er gravid
I met somebody else - Jeg har mødt en anden

We are too different - Vi er for forskellige

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Du er ikke den fyr jeg faldt for.

I don’t want you any more - Jeg vil ikke have dig mere.
You are too jealous - Du er for jaloux.
You don’t trust me - Du stoler ikke på mig.

I cannot trust you (any more) - Jeg kan ikke stole på dig (mere)

You are a womanizer - Du er en skørtejæger.
I was cheating on you - Jeg var dig utro.

I am pregnant from someone else - Jeg er gravid med en anden.

Are you cheating on me? - Er du mig utro?

I don’t want to marry you - Jeg vil ikke giftes med dig.

I want to break up with you - Jeg vil slå op med dig.
I’m with you for a firts bet - (Don't know how so say that sentence in danish, I makes no sence if you do :/ )

You are to ugly - Du er grim.
I don’t like you - Jeg kan ikke lide dig.
I hate you - Jeg hader dig.
You are fat - Du er fed
your really thin – Du er meget tynd
You are stupid - Du er dum.

You are too old for me - Du er for gammel til mig.

I’m not attractive to you - Jeg er ikke tiltrukket af díg.

You are not sexy enough - Du er ikke sexy nok.
You are not hot enough - Du er ikke lækker nok.
You are a geek/ a freak - Du er en nørd/spasser

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Du har ikke nok seksuel erfaring.

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Du har haft for mange piger/drenge i din seng.

Brazalian Portuguese
I'm Sorry - Desculpe-me
I Apologize - Peço desculpas
It was my fault - Foi minha culpa
You Are Right - Está certo

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Desculpe, mas não te amo

He’s/she's dead - Ele / ela está morta
I’m pregnant!! - Eu to grávida!
I met somebody else - Eu conheci alguém

We are too different - Nós somos muito diferentes 

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Você não é o cara por quem me apaixonei 

I don’t want you any more - Não te quero mais
You are too jealous - Você é muito ciumento
You don’t trust me - Você não confia em mim

I cannot trust you (any more) - Não posso mais confiar em você

You are a womanizer - Você é um mulherengo
I was cheating on you - Eu estava traindo você

I am pregnant from someone else - Estou grávida de outra pessoa

Are you cheating on me? – Está me traindo?

I don’t want to marry you - Não quero casar com você 

I want to break up with you - Quero terminar com você 

I’m with you for a firts bet - Estou com você por uma aposta

You are to ugly - Você é feia/o
I don’t like you - Eu não gosto de você
I hate you – Eu te odeio
You are fat – Você é gordo/a
your really thin – Você é muito magro/a
You are stupid - Você é estúpido/a 

You are too old for me - Você é velho/a demais para mim

I’m not attractive to you - Eu não sou atraente para você

You are not sexy enough - Você não é sexy o suficiente

You are not hot enough - Você não é gostoso/a o suficiente

You are a geek/ a freak - Você é um nerd / uma aberração 

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Você não tem experiência sexual suficiente

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Você teve muitas mulheres- ou / rapazes em sua cama
Tem deitado com muitos homens?

I'm Sorry – 我很抱歉 wo hen bao qian

I Apologize – 我道歉 wo dao qian

It was my fault – 是我的錯 shi wo de cuo

You Are Right – 你是對的 ni shi dui de

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – 對不起,但是,我不愛你 dui bu qi, dan shi, wo bu ai ni

He’s/she's dead – 他/她死了 ta/ta si le

I’m pregnant!! – 我懷孕了!! wo huai yun le

I met somebody else – 我遇見別人了 wo yu jian bie ren le

We are too different – 我們太不一樣了 wo men tai bu yi yang le

You are not the guy i felt in love with – 你不是我愛的那個人 ni bu shi wo ai de na ge ren

I don’t want you any more – 我再也不想要你了 wo zai ye bu xiang yao ni le 

You are too jealous – 你真是個醋罎子!ni zhen shi ge cu tan zi

You don’t trust me – 你不信任我 ni bu xin ren wo

I cannot trust you (any more) – 我不能相信你(我再也不相信你了)wo bu neng xiang xin ni(wo zai ye bu xiang xin ni le)

You are a womanizer – 你是個花花公子 ni shi ge hua hua gong zi

I was cheating on you – 我做了對不起你的事 wo zuo le dui bu qi ni de shi

I am pregnant from someone else – 我懷了別人的孩子 wo huai le bie ren de hai zi

Are you cheating on me? – 你是不是有外遇了? ni shi bu shi you wai yu le?

I don’t want to marry you – 我不想和你結婚 wo bu xiang he ni jie hun

I want to break up with you – 我想和你分手 wo xiang he ni fen shou

I’m with you for a firts bet – 我和你在一起只是因為我和人家打賭說我可以搞定你 wo he ni zai yi qi zhi yin wei wo he ren jia da du shuo wo ke yi gao ding ni

You are too ugly – 你太難看了 ni tai nan kan le

I don’t like you – 我不喜歡你 wo bu xi huan ni

I hate you – 我恨你 wo hen ni

You are fat – 你很肥 ni hen fei

your really thin – 你太瘦了 ni tai shou le

You are stupid – 你很笨 ni hen ben

You are too old for me – 你對我來說太老了 ni dui wo lai shuo tai lao le

I’m not attracted to you – 你吸引不了我 ni xi yin bu liao wo

You are not sexy enough – 你不夠性感 ni bu gou xing gan

You are not hot enough – 你不夠辣(for girls)/有型(for boys)ni bu gou la(for girls)/you xing(for boys)

You are a geek/ a freak – 你是個怪胎 ni shi ge guai tai

You don’t have enough sexual experience – 你性經驗不夠 ni xing jing yan bu gou

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – 你床上的女人/男人太多了 ni chuang shang de nv ren/nan ren tai duo le

I'm Sorry - oprosti
I Apologize – ispričavam se
It was my fault – ja sam kriv/kriva
You Are Right – u pravu si

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – oprosti ali ja te ne volim

He’s/she's dead – on/ona je mrtv/a
I’m pregnant!! – trudna sam
I met somebody else – upoznao/upoznala sam nekog drugog

We are too different – previše smo različiti

You are not the guy i felt in love with – ti nisi čovjek u kojeg sam se zaljubila

I don’t want you any more – ne želim te više
You are too jealous – previše si ljubomoran/ljubomorna
You don’t trust me – ne vjeruješ mi

I cannot trust you (any more) – ne mogu ti više vjerovati
You are a womanizer –
I was cheating on you – varao/varala sam te

I am pregnant from someone else – trudna sam s drugim

Are you cheating on me? – varaš li me

I don’t want to marry you –ne želim se udati za tebe

I want to break up with you – želim prekinuti s tobom
I’m with you for a firts bet -

You are to ugly –previše si ružan/ružna
I don’t like you – ne sviđaš mi se
I hate you – mrzim te
You are fat – debeo/debela si
your really thin – zaista si mršav/mršava
You are stupid – glup/glupa si

You are too old for me –prestara/prestar si za mene

I’m not attractive to you – nisam ti privlačan/privlačna

You are not sexy enough – nisi dovoljno seksi

You are not hot enough -

You are a geek/ a freak – ti si šmokljan

You don’t have enough sexual experience – nemaš dovoljno seksualnog iskustva

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – imao/imala si previše cura/ dečki u krevetu

I'm Sorry
= ana asaf 
= انا اسف

I Apologize 
= a'tezar 
= اعتذر

It was my fault
= deh kank ghltete 
= دى كانت غلطتى

You Are Right
= anta saheh 
= انت صحصح

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you 
= asaf , ana la aohebak 
اسف انا لا احبك

He’s/she's dead 
F = haya matet = هى ماتت
M = hwa mat = هو مات

I’m pregnant!! 
ana hamel
= انا حامل

I met somebody else
= ana aokabl shakhs 'akhar 
= انا اقابل شخص اخر

We are too different 
= nhno mkhtlfen 
= نحن مختلفين

You are not the guy i felt in love with = 
ant lays el shab alaze sha'rt be elhob maho
انت ليس الشاب الذى شعرت بالحب معه

I don’t want you any more 
= ana la aoredak 
انا لا أريدك

You are too jealous 
ant ghayor gedan 
= انت غيور جدا

You don’t trust me 
ant la tasek fe 
= انت لا تثق فى

I cannot trust you (any more)
ana la asak fek abadn 
= انا لا اثق فيك ابدا

You are a womanizer 
anta fasak 
= انت فاسق

I was cheating on you 
Ana kont aghshak
انا كنت اغشك

I am pregnant from someone else
Ana hamel men shakhs 'akhar
انا حامل من شخص اخر 

Are you cheating on me? 
Hal ant taghshane
هل انت تغشنى

I don’t want to marry you
ana la aored atzwagak 
= انا لا اريد ان اتزوجك

I want to break up with you
Aored an aonhe alakte ma'k
اريد ان انهى علاقتى معك

I’m with you for a firts bet 
Ana ma'k men elrehan ela'wal
انا معك من الرهان الاول 

You are to ugly 
Anta gabeh gedan
انت قبيح جدا

I don’t like you 
Anta la togbne 
انت لا تعجبنى

I hate you
Ana akrahak
انا اكرهك

You are fat 
Anta samen
انت سمين

your really thin
anta rafea
انت رفيع

You are stupid 
Anta ghabe
انت غبى

You are too old for me
Ant kaber gedan benzba le
انت كبير جدا بالنسبة لى 

I’m not attractive to you 
Ana last mongzeba lak
انا غير منجذبة لك

You are not sexy enough
Anta last moser bema feh elkefaya
انت لست مثير بما فيه الكفاية

You are not hot enough
Anta last sakhen bema feh elkefaya
انت لست ساخن بما فيه الكفاية

You are a geek/ a freak
Anta ghareb
انت غريب 

You don’t have enough sexual experience
Lam yakon ldayk ma yokfe men elkhbra elgensya
لم يكن لديك ما يكفى من الخبرة الجنسية

You had too many girls/boys in your bed
4 M = ant ladyk elkaser men el bnat fe sererak
انت لديك الكثير من البنات فى سريرك
4 F = ante ladyke elkaser men elshabab fe sererek
انتِِِ لديكِ الكثير من الشباب فى سريرك
I'm Sorry – Üzgünüm.
I Apologize – Özür dilerim. 
It was my fault – Benim hatamdı.
You Are Right – Sen haklısın.

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – Üzgünüm; ama seni sevmiyorum.

He’s/she's dead – O öldü.
I’m pregnant!! – Hamileyim.
I met somebody else – Başka biriyle tanıştım.

We are too different – Biz çok farklıyız.

You are not the guy i felt in love with – Sen aşık olduğum adam değilsin.

I don’t want you any more – Artık seni istemiyorum.
You are too jealous – Çok kıskançsın.
You don’t trust me – Bana güvenme.

I cannot trust you (any more) – (artık) sana güvenemem.
You are a womanizer – Sen tam bir çapkınsın / Hovarda birisin.
I was cheating on you – Seni aldatıyordum.

I am pregnant from someone else – Ben başkasından hamileyim.

Are you cheating on me? – Beni aldatıyor musun?

I don’t want to marry you – Seninle evlenmek istemiyorum.

I want to break up with you – Senden ayrılmak istiyorum.
I’m with you for a firts bet – Bahis için seninleyim.

You are too ugly – Çok çirkinsin.
I don’t like you – Seni beğenmiyorum.
I hate you – Senden nefret ediyorum.
You are fat – Şişmansın.
your really thin – Çok incesin.
You are stupid – Aptalsın.

You are too old for me – Benim için çok yaşlısın.

I’m not attractive to you – Sana göre havalı değilim.

You are not sexy enough – Yeteri kadar seksi değilsin.

You are not hot enough – Yeteri kadar ateşli değilsin.

You are a geek/ a freak – Sen bir moronsun / kaçık.

You don’t have enough sexual experience – Yeteri kadar cinsel deneyimin yok.

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – Senin yatağında çok fazla kızlar/erkekler vardı.
I'm Sorry - Promiň 
I Apologize - Omlouvám se
It was my fault - Byla to moje chyba
You Are Right - Máš pravdu

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Promiň, ale nemiluji tě // Promiň, ale nemám tě ráda

He’s/she's dead - Je mrtvý / Je mrtvá
I’m pregnant!! - Jsem těhotná!!
I met somebody else - Potkala jsem někoho jiného // Seznámila jsem se s někým jiným

We are too different - Jsme příliš odlišní

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Nejsi ten, do koho jsem se zamilovala

I don’t want you any more - Už tě něchci // Už s tebou nechci být
You are too jealous - Moc žárlíš
You don’t trust me - Nevěříš mi // Nedůvěřuješ mi

I cannot trust you (any more) - Nemůžu ti věřit (Už ti nemůžu věřit)
You are a womanizer - Jsi proutník
I was cheating on you - Podváděla jsem tě

I am pregnant from someone else - Jsem těhotná s někým jiným

Are you cheating on me? - Podvádíš mě? // Spíš s někým jiným?

I don’t want to marry you - Nechci si tě vzít

I want to break up with you - Chci se s tebou rozejít

You are to ugly - Jsi příliš ošklivý / ošklivá
I don’t like you - Nemám tě rád / ráda
I hate you - Nenávidím tě
You are fat - Jsi tlustý / tlustá
your really thin – Jsi příliš hubený / hubená
You are stupid - Jsi hloupý / hloupá

You are too old for me - Jsi pro mě příliš starý / stará

I’m not attractive to you - Nepřitahuji tě

You are not sexy enough - Nejsi dost sexy

You are not hot enough - Nejsi dost sexy

You are a geek/ a freak - Jsi cvok

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Nejsi dostatečně sexuálně zkušený /zkušená

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Spal jsi s příliš mnoha kluky / Spala jsi s příliš mnoha kluky

// another way how to say it
for man / for woman

I'm Sorry - mi dispiace
I Apologize - ti chiedo scusa
It was my fault - è stata colpa mia
You Are Right - hai ragione tu

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - mi dispaice ma non ti amo

He’s/she's dead - lui/ lei è morto/a
I’m pregnant!! - sono incinta!
I met somebody else - ho incontrato qualcun'altro

We are too different - siamo troppo diversi

You are not the guy i felt in love with - non sei il tipo di cui sono innamorato/a

I don’t want you any more - non ti voglio più
You are too jealous - sei troppo geloso/a
You don’t trust me - non ti fidi di me

I cannot trust you (any more) - non posso fidarmi (più)di te
You are a womanizer - sei un dongiovanni (donnaiolo)
I was cheating on you - ti ho preso in giro

I am pregnant from someone else - sono incinta di qualcun'altro

Are you cheating on me? - mi stai prendendo in giro?

I don’t want to marry you - non ti voglio sposare

I want to break up with you - voglio rompere con te
I’m with you for a firts bet - sto con te per una scommessa

You are too ugly - sei troppo brutto
I don’t like you - non mi piaci
I hate you - ti odio
You are fat - sei grasso/a
your really thin – sei molto magro/a
You are stupid - sei stupido/a

You are too old for me - sei troppo grande per me

I’m not attractive to you -

You are not sexy enough -non sei abbastanza sexy

You are not hot enough - non sei abbastanza bello/a

You are a geek/ a freak - sei uno/a strano/a tipo/a

You don’t have enough sexual experience - non hai abbastanza esperienze sessuali

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - hai avuto troppi/e ragazzi /e nel tuo letto

I'm Sorry - Jeg er lei for det
I Apologize - Unnskyld
It was my fault - Det var min feil
You Are Right - Du har rett

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Beklager, men jeg elsker deg ikke

He’s/she's dead - Han/hun er død
I’m pregnant!! - Jeg er gravid!!
I met somebody else - Jeg har møtt en annen

We are too different - Vi er for forskjellige

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Du er ikke den jeg falt for

I don’t want you any more - Jeg vil ikke ha deg lenger
You are too jealous - Du er for sjalu
You don’t trust me - Du stoler ikke på meg

I cannot trust you (any more) - Jeg kan ikke stole på deg (lenger)
You are a womanizer - Du er en flørt
I was cheating on you - Jeg var utro mot deg

I am pregnant from someone else - Jeg er gravid med en annen

Are you cheating on me? - Er du utro?

I don’t want to marry you - Jeg vil ikke gifte meg med deg

I want to break up with you - Jeg vil gjøre det slutt 
I’m with you for a firts bet - Jeg ble sammen med deg pga et veddemål..

You are to ugly - Du er for stygg
I don’t like you - Jeg liker deg ikke
I hate you - Jeg hater deg
You are fat - Du er feit
your really thin – Du er skikkelig tynn
You are stupid - Du er dum

You are too old for me - Du er for gammel for meg

I’m not attracted to you - Jeg er ikke tiltrukket av deg 

You are not sexy enough - Du er ikke sexy nok

You are not hot enough - Du er ikke heit nok

You are a geek/ a freak - Du er en nerd/freak

You don’t have enough sexual experience - Du har ikke nok seksuell erfaring

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - Du har hatt sex med for mange

I'm Sorry – Je suis désolé
I Apologize – Je m’excuse
It was my fault – C’était ma faute
You Are Right – Tu as raison

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – Désolé mais je ne vous/t' aime pas

He’s/she's dead – Il/elle est mort/morte
I’m pregnant!! – Je suis enceinte
I met somebody else – J’ai rencontré quelqu’un d’autre

We are too different – Nous sommes trop différents

You are not the guy i felt in love with – Tu n’es pas celui dont je suis tombée amoureuse

I don’t want you any more – Je ne veux plus de toi
You are too jealous – Tu es trop jaloux/jalouse
You don’t trust me – Tu ne me fais pas confiance

I cannot trust you (any more) – Je ne peux plus de faire confiance
You are a womanizer - Tu es un aimant à femmes
I was cheating on you – Je te mentais

I am pregnant from someone else – Je suis enceine de quelqu’un d’autre

Are you cheating on me? – Tu me mens ?

I don’t want to marry you – Je ne veux pas t’épouser

I want to break up with you – Je veux rompre avec toi
I’m with you for a first bet - je suis avec toi pour un pari

You are to ugly - Tu es trop moche
I don’t like you – Je ne t’aime pas
I hate you – Je te déteste
You are fat – Tu es gros/grosse
your really thin – Tu es très maigre
You are stupid – Tu es stupide

You are too old for me – Tu es trop vieux pour moi

I’m not attractive to you - Tu ne m'attires pas

You are not sexy enough – Tu n’es pas assez sexy

You are not hot enough – Tu n'es pas assez entreprenant/chaud

You are a geek/ a freak - Tu es un geek

You don’t have enough sexual experience – Tu n’as pas assez d’expériences sexuelles

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – Tu as eu trop de filles/garcons dans ton lit
I'm Sorry –
mai sama chati hu

I Apologize –
mai mafi mangti hu

It was my fault –
iye meri galti hai

You Are Right –
tum sahi ho

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you –
mafi mangti hu par mai tumse pyar nahi karti

He’s/she's dead –
wo mar gaya(boy)/gayi(girl) hai

I’m pregnant!! –
mai ma banne wali hu

I met somebody else –
mai kisi aur se mili hu

We are too different –
hum ek dusre se alag hai

You are not the guy i felt in love with –
tum wo ladka nahi ho jisse maine pyaar kiya tha

I don’t want you any more –
mujhe tumhari aur koi zaroorat nahi hai

You are too jealous –
tumhare maan hinsa se bhara para hai

You don’t trust me –
tum mujhe biswas nahi karte

I cannot trust you (any more) –
mai tumhe aur biswas nahi kar sakti

You are a womanizer –
tum womanizer(!!!!) ho

I was cheating on you –
mai tumhe dhoka de rahi thi

I am pregnant from someone else –
mai kisi aur ki bacche ki ma banne wali hu

Are you cheating on me? –
tum mujhe dhoka de rahe ho kya?

I don’t want to marry you –
mai tumse shadi nahi karna chahti

I want to break up with you –
humare bich ki sare rista mai torna chahti hu

You are to ugly –
tum bahut badsoorat ho

I don’t like you –
mai tumhe pasand nahi karti

I hate you –
mai tumse nafrat karti hu

You are fat –
tum moti ho

your really thin –
tum bahut he patli ho

You are stupid –
tum stupid(!!!) ho

You are too old for me –
tum mujse bahaut he bara ho

I’m not attractive to you –
mai tumhare prati akarsit nahi hu

You are not sexy enough –
tum kuch khas sexy nahi ho

You are not hot enough –
tum khuch khas hot nahi ho

You don’t have enough sexual experience –
tumhari sexual experience kuch zada nahi hai

You had too many girls/boys in your bed –
tumhari(she)/tumhare(he) bistar me bahaut zada ladki/ladka hai

I'm Sorry – sajaliavam - съжалявам

I Apologize – izviniavam se – извинявам се

It was my fault – vinata e moia – вината е моя

You Are Right – prav si – прав си

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – sajaliavam , no ne te obicham – съжалявам, но не те обичам

He’s/she's dead – toi /tia e martv/a – той /тя е мъртав/а

I’m pregnant!! – bremenna sam – бременна съм

I met somebody else – sreshtnah drug – срешнах друг

We are too different – tvarde sme razlichni – твърде сме различни

You are not the guy i felt in love with – ne si chovekat v koito se vlubih – не си човека, в който се влюбих

I don’t want you any more – ne te jelaia poveche – не те желая повече

You are too jealous – mnogo si revniv – много си ревнив

You don’t trust me – miamash mi doverie – нямаш ми доверие

I cannot trust you (any more) – nemoga da ti se doveria poveche – немога да ти се доверя повече

You are a womanizer – ti si jenkar – ти си женкар

I was cheating on you – izneviarvah ti – изневерявах ти 

I am pregnant from someone else – bremenna sam ot drug – бременна сам от друг

Are you cheating on me? – izneweriavash li mi ?- изневеряваш ли ми ?

I don’t want to marry you – neiskam da se omajwam za teb – не искам да се омъжвам за теб

I want to break up with you – iskam da skasame – искам да скъсаме 

You are to ugly – mnogo si grozen – много си грозен

I don’t like you – ne te haresvam – не те харесвам

I hate you – mrazia te – мразя те

You are fat – debel si – дебел си 

your really thin – mnogo si klioshtav – много си кльощав

You are stupid – glupav si – глупав си

You are too old for me – tvarde si star za men – твърде си стар за мен

I’m not attractive to you – ne me privlichash – не ме привличаш

You are not sexy enough – ne si dostatachno seksi – не си достатъчно секси

You are not hot enough - ne si dostatachno seksi– не си достатъчно секси

You are a geek/ a freak – ti si izrod – ти си изрод

You don’t have enough sexual experience – niamash dostatachno seksualen opit – нямаш достатъчно сексуален опит

You had too many girls/boys in your bed –spal si s mnogo momicheta /momcheta – спал си с много момичета момчета
I'm Sorry - Het spijt me.
I Apologize - Ik veronderschuldig mij.
It was my fault - Het was mijn fout./Ik ben fout.
You Are Right - Je hebt gelijk.

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you - Het spijt me, maar, ik hou niet van jou.

He’s/she's dead - Hij/Zij is overleden. Hij/Zij is dood.
I’m pregnant!! - Ik ben zwanger.
I met somebody else - Ik heb iemand anders leren kennen.

We are too different - We zijn te verschillend.

You are not the guy i felt in love with - Jij bent niet de man waar ik verliefd op werd.

I don’t want you any more - Ik wil jou niet meer.
You are too jealous - Jij bent me te jaloers.
You don’t trust me - Jij vertrouwt mij niet.

I cannot trust you (any more) - Ik kan jou niet (meer) vertrouwen.
You are a womanizer - Je bent een vrouwenverslinder.
I was cheating on you - Ik was je aan het bedriegen.

I am pregnant from someone else - Ik ben zwanger van iemand anders.

Are you cheating on me? - Ben je mij aan het bedriegen?

I don’t want to marry you - Ik wil niet met je trouwen.

I want to break up with you - Ik wil het uitmaken met jou.
I’m with you for a firts bet - ?

You are to ugly - Jij bent lelijk/lelijkaard (m)/lelijk mens (f)
I don’t like you - Ik mag je niet/ik heb je niet graag
I hate you - Ik haat je
You are fat - Jij bent dik/dikzak (m)
your really thin – jij bent te mager
You are stupid - jij bent stom/stomkop

You are too old for me - je bent te oud voor mij

I’m not attractive to you - ik vind je niet aantrekkelijk/ ik voel me niet aangetrokken tot jou

You are not sexy enough - je bent niet sexy genoeg

You are not hot enough - je bent niet heet genoeg

You are a geek/ a freak - je bent een rare/je bent raar/ je bent vreemd/ je bent een freak

You don’t have enough sexual experience - jij hebt niet genoeg ervaring met sex

You had too many girls/boys in your bed - jij hebt met teveel vrouwen/mannen geslapen

Italian Dialect
I Apologize – M’riscpia’sc

It was my fault –Fuje ‘nu sbagli ro mi

You Are Right – tien ragion

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you – Scus’m,ma,nu t’am

He’s/she's dead – Iss/ess é mort

I’m pregnant!! – So incint

I met somebody else – cunisciett a nat

We are too different –Simm tropp divers

You are not the guy i felt in love with = nu sii tu o uaglion k m facet annamurrà

I don’t want you any more- nun t’am chiù

You are too jealous – Sii tropp g’lus

You don’t trust me – nu m’ crir

I cannot trust you (any more) – nun t’ pozz crer-r

You are a womanizer – sii nu sciupafemmn

I was cheating on you = taggia ‘mbruglia’t

I am pregnant from someone else –aspett nu criatur ‘ra nat

Are you cheating on me?- M’ stai ‘mbrugliann’?

I don’t want to marry you – Nun t vogl’ spusà

I want to break up with you –a vogl frni cu tic 

You are to ugly –sii brutt

I don’t like you –Nu m piac

I hate you – t’odio

You are fat – sii chiatt

your really thin – sii tropp sicc

You are stupid – Sii nu scem

You are too old for me –sii tropp viecch p me

I’m not attractive to you – nu m’attir assaje

You are not sexy enough –nu sii abbastanz sexy

You are not hot enough-nun sii abbastanz bell

You are a geek/ a freak-sii scem

You don’t have enough sexual experience – tien poca esperienz e comm s fa l’ammor

You had too many girls/boys in your bed – e fatt ammor cu troppa gent

I'm Sorry – 미안합니다(Mi-Ahn-Ham-Ni-Da)

I Apologize – 제가 사과합니다(Je-Ga Sa-Gwa-Ham-Ni-Da)

It was my fault – 나의 잘못이였어(Na-Yi Zar-Mot-Yi-Yet-Eh)

You Are Right – 네가 옳았어(Ne-Ga Ohl-Aht-Eh)

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you –미안해,하지만 난 널 사랑하지 않아 (Mi-Ahn-Hea,Ha-Ji-Man Nan Ner Sa-Rang-Ha-Ji-Ahn-Ah)

He’s/she's dead – 그/그녀가 죽었어(Ge/Ge-Nye-Ga Zuk-Et-Eh)

I’m pregnant!! –나 임신했어(Na Yim-Shin-Heat-Eh)

I met somebody else –난 다른 사람 만났어(Nan Da-Ren Sa-Ram Man-Nat-Eh) 

We are too different-우린 너무 달라(Wu-Rin No-Mu Dar-Ra)

You are not the guy i felt in love with - 넌 내가 사랑하는 남자가 아니야(Nen Nea-Ga Sa-Rang-Ha-Non Nam-Za-Ga Ah-Ni-Ya)

I don’t want you any more-난 더 이상 널 원하지 않아(Nan Deh Yi-Sang Nel Won-Ha-Ji Ahn-Ah) 

You are too jealous – 넌 너무 질투가 많아(Nen Neh-Mu Jil-Tu-Ga Man-Ah)

You don’t trust me – 넌 날 밑지 않어( Nen Nar Mit-Ji Ahn-Eh)

I cannot trust you (any more) – 난 더 이상 널 밑지 않어(Nan Deh Yi-Sang Nel Mit-Ji Ahn-Eh)

You are a womanizer – 넌 바람둥이야(Nen Ba-Ram-Dwong-Yi-Ya)

I was cheating on you = 난 널 속였어(Nan Nel Sok-Yet-Eh)

I am pregnant from someone else –난 다른 사람과 임신했어(Nan Da-Ren Sa-Ram-Gwa Yim-Shin-Heat-Eh)

Are you cheating on me?-넌 날 속였어?(Nen Nar Sok-Yet-Eh?) 

I don’t want to marry you –난 너랑 결혼하고 싶지 않어(Nan Neh-Rang Gyer-Hohn-Ha-Go Ship-Ji Ahn-Eh) 

I want to break up with you - 난 너랑 헤어지고 싶어(Nan Neh-Rang Hae-Eh-Ji-Go Ship-Eh)

You are to ugly –넌 너무 추악해(Nen Neh-Mu Cho-Ahk-Hea)

I don’t like you –난 널 좋아하지 않아(Nan Ner Zoh-Ah-Ha-Ji Ahn-Ah)

I hate you – 난 널 싫어해(Nan Ner Sil-Eh Hea)

You are fat – 넌 실해(Nen Sil-Hea)

your really thin –넌 정말 야위였어(Nen Zung-Mar Ya-We-Yet-Eh) 

You are stupid – 넌 어리석어(Nen Eh-Ri-Sehk-Eh)

You are too old for me –넌 나보다 나이가 너무 많아(Nen Na-Bo-Da Na-Yi-Ga Neh-Mu Man-Ah)

I’m not attractive to you – 난 너에게 있어서 매력적이지 않아(Nan Neh-Ea-Ge Yit-Eh-Seh Mea-Ryek-Jek-Yi-Ji Ahn-Ah)

You are not sexy enough –넌 섹시하기에 충분하지 않아(Nen Sek-Si Ha-Gi-Ea Chong-Bun-Ha-Ji Ahn-Ah)

You are not hot enough-넌 핫하기에 충분하지 않아(Nen Hot-Ha-Gi-Ea Chong-Bun-Ha-Ji Ahn-Ah)

You are a geek/ a freak-넌 지겨운/이상한 사람이야(Nen Ji-Gye-Wun/Yi-Sang-Han Sa-Ram-Yi-Ya)

You don’t have enough sexual experience -넌 성 경험이 충분하지 않아(Nen Sung Gyeng-Hem-Yi Chong-Bun-Ha-Ji Ahn-Ah)

You had too many girls/boys in your bed -넌 너무 많은 여자애랑/남자애랑 잤어(Nen Neh-Mu Man-En Yeh-Za-Ea-Rang/Nam-Za-Ea-Rang Zat-Eh)

I'm Sorry –
ami dukhito...

I Apologize –
amay khoma kore dao...

It was my fault –
aeta amar bhool...

You Are Right –
tumi thik...

Sorry, but, I don’t Love you –
dukhhito kintu ami tomay bhalobasi na...

He’s/she's dead –
se mara gachhe...

I’m pregnant!! –
ami ma hote cholechhi...

I met somebody else –
amar onyo karor sathe dekha hoye chilo...

We are too different –
amra aekebarei alada...

You are not the guy i felt in love with –
tumi sei chele no o jake ami bhalobese chilam...

I don’t want you any more –
ami tomake r chai na...

You are too jealous –
tumi khub hinsute...

You don’t trust me –
tumi amay biswas koro na...

I cannot trust you (any more) –
ami tomay r biswas korte parchhi na...

You are a womanizer –
tumi meyebaj...

I was cheating on you –
ami tomay thoka chhilam...

I am pregnant from someone else –
ami onyer bachhar ma hote cholechhi...

Are you cheating on me? –
tumi ki amay thokachho?...

I don’t want to marry you –
ami tomay biye korte chai na...

I want to break up with you –
ami amader somporko bhangte chai...

You are to ugly –
tumi khub baje dekhte....

I don’t like you –
ami tomay pochhondo kori na...

I hate you –
ami tomay ghrina kori...

You are fat –
tumi mota...

your really thin –
tumi khubi roga...

You are stupid –
tumi khub boka...

You are too old for me –
tumi amar cheye khub besi boro...

I’m not attractive to you –
amar tomar proti kono akorson nei....

You are not sexy enough –
tumi khub aekta sexy no o....

You are not hot enough –
tumi khub aekta hot no o...

You don’t have enough sexual experience –
tomar khub ekta besi saririk avigyota nei...

You had too many girls/boys in your bed –
tomar bichhanay khub besi meye/cheley achhe...